With the Ski season now fast approaching, property sales in Bansko have started to increase. According to recent surveys, Bankso is expecting its best Season since 2008 for tourism. This will also have a positive impact on property sales in Bankso.
Since the beginning of the downturn Bansko has struggled with the oversupply of properties for sale and rent. While the oversupply of properties for sale is set to continue into the future, the rental market is showing initial signs of recovery. The increased number of tourists along with owners spending time in their own properties has really added a sense of positivity to the area which is very welcome.
Our most recent sales Bansko were Oct 14th in Lucky Banskso and Oct 17th in Vihren Palace. The prices achieved were in the region of €500 per m2.
While these prices do most certainly represent a loss for the owners, the key point is that there is a market for properties in Bansko at the right price.
If you own a property in Bansko that you are considering bringing to the market for sale, please contact us and we will be happy to give you an accurate valuation of your property free of charge.